Steve Caldeira, president of the International Franchise Association, a trade group that represents franchisors including McDonald’s and KFC parent Yum Brands Inc, said the wage plan demonstrates independent decision-making by franchisees separate from McDonald’s. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in which McDonald’s has been accused by the agency’s attorneys of intimidating workers who participated in union organizing and in a national protest movement calling for higher wages. The International Franchise Association said on Thursday the move to raise wages was a “reminder” that McDonald’s and its roughly 12,500 franchised restaurants are not “joint employers.” The question of whether they are is at the center of closely watched cases before the U.S. The decision to hike wages to around $10 an hour will affect only 90,000 of the roughly 750,000 McDonald’s restaurant workers in the United States, because almost 90 percent of McDonald’s restaurants are run by franchisees. restaurants threatens to complicate an ongoing labor dispute that turns on whether McDonald’s can be held responsible for the labor violations of its franchisees.

NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES, April 2 (Reuters) - McDonald’s Corp’s announcement that it will raise the average pay at its company-operated U.S.